Tattle-Tape™ Security Strips
a/ Tattle-Tape™ Security Strips DCD-2 These precisionbalanced strips are designed for CDs and CD-ROMs. The easy, one-step application process integrates two strips into a clear Þ lm overlay that prevents removal and protects the surface of the disc. Strips will not affect performance.
b/ Tattle-Tape™ Security Strips B2 Ultra-thin, double-sided strips are designed to be applied between pages of books and periodicals. The extra-long liner makes it easier to insert the strip deeply into the gutter, making it virtually undetectable.
c/ Tattle-Tape™ Security Strips B1 Single-sided strips are designed for hardcover books. Strips can be easily inserted into book spines with a bayonet either on a countertop or right in the stacks. Strips are completely concealed.
d/ Tattle-Tape™ Security Strip R2 Applied with the Tattle-Tape™ Application System, these strips are in roll
format with no liners to remove. They’re automatically dispensed and can be applied to print materials Þ ve times
faster than traditional strips.
e/ Tattle-Tape™ Application System With this device, you can apply Tattle-Tape™ Security Strips to print materials
three to Þ ve times faster than applying the strips by hand. Use it in the stacks or behind the scenes. UL-certiÞ ed.
f/ Tattle-Tape™ Security Strips DVM-1 These strips are designed for unboxed videocassettes. Strips are hidden by a cover-up label that can be printed with a title or other information.
g/ Tattle-Tape™ Security Strips DAC-1 These strips are designed for unboxed audiocassettes. Strips are hidden by a cover-up label that can be printed with a title or other information.